

Mares Ruby Failure!!!

The Mares Ruby!

Di Caprio in action but after the boat went down...

Just to prove that he is really sleeping...

Guess who is that :-) well this is Andy...

Nakhl by night :-)

People from Nakhl...

Our trip back from Cairo with Andy and his bike at the back of the Pick-up...

Obviously this is two fishes....

View from the Reef 2000 Whadi in direction of the Gulf of Aqaba..

Just a nice rock in the desert...

The famous Canyon seen from inside to outside...

This Mr.Napoleon...

Yes you see it, its a SEAHORSE!

So there is Tanja on the left, Vicky in the middle and Big Tom...well me on the right, PADI the Pet he wants to walk :-)

Tanja on a Dolphin Rebreather and Huw entering the dive site Eel Garden

View from the Dive center on Saudi Arabia

Some pictures taken by Tanja

The Arch with some technical details...

Just a picture that I like...

Entering the Blue Hole from the easy entry...

Lets go for it!

The Dahab Dive!

...The Boys from the Blue...

Tom Smith from Fantaseatec...

Pick-up the stage tanks and lets go!