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A new Canyon in Dahab " the 3 Valley Canyon"

Those are the pictures of the new Canyon discovered and explored on the 28th of March 2009 at Rick's Reef . Mohamed Fahmy, Samah Sokar and myself explored today the full length of the Canyon. Enter Rick's reef, take a 90 degrees on your compass North North east, follow slowly the slope down until you find 3 Coral pillars at 32 meters (8 minutes to reach them), look at you right and that's where the Valley starts, total bottom time is 22 minutes and you will reach the end of the Canyon at minute 21, depth is between 38 meters and 46 meters, at half way you have Maria's Mountain that is going to 53 meters depth and well there is something behind that....but that's for another exploration dive :-)
Just NNE and drop within 8 minutes to a depth of 30 meters max so you see the 3 pillars on your left shoulder side. Once you see them go down to 39 meters and you will find a kind of overhang follow it and it becomes a Canyon.
Have a nice dive :-)