Here they come the pictures from Edith and Jan the new Tekkies!

Edith at Tigger Bay!

Lazy or taking a sunbath :-)

Tiger Canyon at 40 meters depth!

Jan & Edith and the Black Coral...

Bernard and Philippe hanging around...

The clown fish!


Am I ugly or not :-)

Well I do look grumpy anyway...

The black Seahorse of the Lighhouse

The Yellow Sea Horse of the Lighthouse...

Entering the Tiger Canyon

That's obviously a fish swimming at the Lighthouse....

Edith Keeping track of the maximum depth...35 meters and one more meter :-)

Sebastian assisting the course...

That's a nice one Mr. Puffer

Love is in the the water....

The Dream Team

Aren't you the cousin of the Sea Horse?

Edith and her perfect triming...

Looks like Jan is searching for something, who the hell knows what :-)
