Sidemount diving at DDT

Sidemount configuration is scuba diving that has cylinders mounted alongside the diver, below the shoulders and along the hips, instead of the classical backmounted system.
Sidemount diving started in England, where it was used in partially submerged caves, it was an easier method to transport diving gear between totally submerged sections of the caves. In the mid seventies the Americans started using the same configuration for Cave diving. Bill Rennaker was the Sidemount pioneer, today Sidemount diving is available for recreational diving and technical diving.
Here at DDT we offer you the possibility to follow 2 types of Sidemount courses:
- Recreational Sidemount up to 40 meters with the Razor Harness of Steve Bogaerts.
- Technical Sidemount with Hollis SMS 100 system. (Single and dual bladder)
Tom Steiner has developed the first course outline for the “Technical Sidemount Speciality” that is exclusively aimed for the Technical Diver. This PROTEC course will teach you how to safely use Sidemount System on deep dives up to 100 meters. It’s a tough and challenging course where you will learn lots of new techniques.
